The Keys to Happiness & Success Are in Your Grasp
With Thomas-Peeples & Associates, PSC, you'll get to experience a different way of examining the now. Challenges and obstacles are simply a part of life, but how you decide to look at them makes all the difference.
- We are pleased to have the opportunity to serve you and hope the following information will help you may an informed decision concerning out mental/behavioral health, substance misuse, psychotherapy/counseling and educational services.
- Marital and intimate relationships issues
- Parent and child relationships
- Children's adjustment/performance in school
- Work related/career changes/professional development
- Crisis Intervention
- Assessments and Evaluations
- Life Skills Education
- Telehealth (telephone and televideo) Consoling/Psychotherapy
- Alcohol and Drug related issues
Bariatric & Weight Loss Counseling
Connections in individual and group counseling/psychotherapy for those who are planning or have had a weight management surgical procedure or who may want a counseling/therapy approach for weight management.
- Collaboration with other healthcare professionals
- Biopsychosocial assessment
- Pre and Postsurgery counseling/psychotherapy
Alcohol and Drug Misuse Care
- Outpatient non-medicated based care
- Counseling/Psychotherapy evaluation and prevention
- Collaboration with medical professionals
- Referral to relevant community support services
- Alcohol and drug testing referrals as needed to primary care physical or local urgent treatment centers
Parenting Education Program (PEP)
There are many factors that influence children's behavior and development. Factors such as, parental functioning, home and school environment, parent and child relationships and physical and emotional symptoms should be professionally evaluated.
- Learn about the needs of your child(ren)
- Establish and maintain good communication in the home
- Set and enforce appropriate expectations, rules, consequences and privileges
- Demonstrate positive role modeling
- Teach your child(ren) how to be a friend and how to choose friends wisely
Services include:
- Referrals made to medical and psychological testing as needed
- Comprehensive individual and family assessments
- Individual and family counseling/psychotherapy
- Development of individual/family behavioral plans
Life Skills Education Program
The life skills education programs are available for across the age span (children, adolescents and adults).
Anger Control Training (ACT)
There are many reasons why people become angry and loose control. The ACT program will help you evaluate and change your thoughts, feelings and behavior. You will have an opportunity to learn how your thoughts, feelings and behavior are related to out-of-control anger. And, you will equip yourself to have anger awareness, develop coping skills and make lifestyle changes which will improve your day to day interactions with others. You will also receive assertiveness training and communication, and self-esteem building to further develop and improve interpersonal relating.
Assertiveness Training and Communications
Assertiveness is typically considered the ideal way to express ourselves, though so many of us have difficulty doing so. Individuals should be able to stand up for themselves (to empower themselves). When we practice handling interactions assertively, we can make our lives more manageable and rewarding, for both ourselves and those close to us.
Assertiveness training is a type of behavior therapy in which individuals are taught appropriate methods of asserting themselves in various situations through honest and direct expression of their feelings. This training will improve confidence, reduce shyness, enhance interpersonal communication, and develop social skills. With positive thinking, you will become more outgoing, enhance intimacy, reduce fears, manage anger, resolve conflict and feel overall better about self. You will be able to transform your life by putting positive things in your life.
Enhancing Self-Esteem
Self-esteem, self confidence, self-image determines our view of self-worth and happiness. Persons who have a low self-esteem tend to have symptoms of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, addictions, problems with relationships and poor communication. Additionally, research indicates that people who have anger control problems tend to have low self-esteem.
One can have a high self-esteem in one area of their life but can present low confidence in another life area or they can have low self-esteem in all life areas. People who believe in themselves are less concerned with seeking the approval of others and are more likely to be themselves and feel happy. It is important for individuals to break the cycle of low self-seteem.
Time Management Training
Using time effectively involves making choices that produce positive results, increase good feelings and reduce the potential for stress. We all have 24 hours in a day, some people try to add more in the day than what can be done. Time management is important as it shapes our lives. Over using or under using time causes frustration and stress. When time is misused you feel rushed, overwhelmed, miss deadlines and appointments, feel physically and mentally exhausted and, have feelings of unproductivity. And, procrastination is under-functioning and has elements of underlying anger. Additionally, one can end up neglecting personal time needed for rest and relaxation, along with relationship problems. This training will help you develop time management skills, overcome procrastination, learn how to prioritize and not take on more than you can get done, eliminate time wasters, and learn how to engage others to help.
Stress Management Training
"Stress is the wear and tear caused by life. We cannot avoid stress but, we can learn a great deal about how to keep it's damaging side effects and distress to a minimum". Stress management training will reduce the damaging effects of stress on you mental and physical health. You will be aware of the distress signals, identify personal stressors and learn relaxation and breathing techniques.
Please be advised that Thomas-Peeples & Associates, PSC, will be in compliance with several state regulations to provide information regarding HIV/AIDS and others. Services are provided without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status or income.